Saturday, November 20, 2010

eating red berries for photo hunter

Juicy? But cranberry juice is made from cranberries! maybe not but at least moist, as these cranberries are sticking to the beak of this female Pine Grosbeak, who appears to find these berries yummy! , the Waxwings seem to enjoy them as well.Not so other birds The cranberries also attract Robins, but it must be the colour, not the taste., one bite of these berries and the Robins are gone. This is a picture from my photo archives. We do not get Pine Grosbeaks every year but I hope we are lucky to see a few this winter.
For more photos on this weeks theme of 'juicy' just click on Photo Hunter or you many click on the icon in the side bar. My thanks to tnchick for hosting this site. Happy Photo Hunting to all!


  1. Great photo Ann and a marvelous close-up of this pretty little Pine Grosbeak enjoying a meal.

  2. I really like this photo. What a grand shot of the bird enjoying the juicy berries.

  3. LOL! What a funny photo. I'd say that is a happy bird.

  4. Cute photo of the Pine Grosbeak. You are lucky to see them in your yard.

  5. Anonymous9:54 AM

    That is a very happy bird! Perfect for this week's theme.

    Have a super weekend.

  6. aloha,

    that does look juicy, that bird looks happy...thanks for sharing your photos

  7. I like that photo. Helen

  8. Juicy cranberries for a hungry bird...very nice.
