Tuesday, November 23, 2010

featuring'red 'in Bird Alley for Ruby Tuesday

AS these pictures will show, "Yes, We have snow on the ground!"Not enough to have to clear away, but a sufficient amount for a ground covering.This little Red-breasted Nuthatch is easily finding the bird seed under the layer of snow./
Another reddish creature in Bird Alley searching for food under the snow, a Red Squirrel. If you click on the picture to enlarge you can view its beauty and glossy fur much easier.
And these red crabapples are a daily background feature of our outdoors nature photo studio! in Bird Alley. Yesterday they attracted a small group of Starlings in their winter white-flecked feathers. Notice that in the picture above the Starling has a pure white feather! Unusual I would think. Perhaps I'll look for this white feathered feature when Starlings visit Bird Alley again.
The Starlings did not feed on the crabapples that I could see.

Got photos with red want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here:http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme


  1. I get sorry for the birds and animals when it snows. Your pictures are great. Helen

  2. Love the shots I like the staring with his feather. The birds need us humans in the winter to help them survive feed the birds please everyone. Don

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  3. Beautiful (and unusual) shots for RT. Love that 'pearly' starling with the berries.

  4. Lovely shots of the birds. I'm very fond of red-breasted nuthatches. They have so much personality. :)

  5. The starlings have such beautiful markings. Great shots!

  6. Wow..snow already. We finally had a big rain...6"! That helped us catch up some. I'm not ready for snow. Love the critters. Glad to know that the starling isn't eating the crab apples. I'm hoping the waxwings will show up for that or the robins.
