Wednesday, November 03, 2010

female Cardinal for Outdoor Wednesday

I didn't have a pic for yesterday's meme Ruby Tuesday. I had considered going into my photo archives to find an older picture of a Cardinal. I guess a Cardinal was on my mind. What a surprise this morning to look out my window and see a beautiful female Northern Cardinal. Although it looks like it was having a bad hair day, it had the most beautiful red eyebrow. It was definitely a female!
This picture above shows the Cardinal (can you find her?) in a more rugged outdoorsy sort of shot. I like textures in photos.

Outdoor Wednesday found at is a delightful meme that invites you to share the outdoors with others. The theme encompasses the outdoors, a topic within the theme of your choosing. to learn more of this meme or to share your view of the outdoors please click on the 'outdoor Wednesday' logo on the right of this page. Happy Wednesday outoor gathering to all


  1. Nice shot! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. Beautiful shot! Happy Wednesday!
    At the creek

  3. We have Cardinal's in the yard too. They like to come to the feeder in the morning before light and just at dusk to feed in peace I guess.

  4. Your photos are so lovely. I especially like the lighting.

  5. My Cardinals are beginning to show their faaces more now that the Grackles, and Starlings have gone at least for a while.

  6. We have two pairs of resident Cardinals in our yard. I love watching them in the tree outside our kitchen window. The occasional territorial fight happens.

  7. The Cardinals always look their prettiest in the winter. I never tire of them.
