Tuesday, November 30, 2010

male woodpecker feeding for Ruby Tuesday

Obviously a male ( red marking on the back of its head) Woodpecker but which species? Hairy or Downy? We have both visiting, almost daily and I think this is a little Downy!
A woodpecker bonus picture! This I call a swirl of feathers , of a Hairy Woodpecker ( no sign of red so perhaps this is a female Hairy, as I was focusing my camera on a feeding woodpecker, it abruptly flew away.

Got photos with red want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here:http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme


  1. Great lens capture. Love Those Woodpeckers.
    My Ruby post."Christmas Town"

  2. Those small ones are beautiful. I would say that you captured a swirl of feathers on the last one. Helen

  3. what a cute red capped woodpecker!

    My Ruby Tuesday post

  4. They're hard to tell apart but I'm thinking it's small enough to be a downy. :) We have both at our feeders.

  5. The second shot is fabulous!

    My Ruby Tuesday, have a nice day!

  6. I love the woodies, great shots!

  7. I love all these woodpeckers Ann, and they are so willing to visit.
    Love the swirl picture. Really unique.

  8. That second shot is such a happy accident - great movement!

  9. Wow, what marvelous shots! Happy Ruby Tuesday! :)

  10. Great angle for that first shot. I love your photo swirl :-) Those shots are often fun, even if not focused. All of the woodpeckers are such fun to watch. I'd really miss my downys if they ever went away!
