Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mallards in the Meduxenkeag for Watery Wednesday

Yesterday morning while making an early morning visit to the dentist we saw lots of ducks in the Meduxenkeag river from a distance as we drove by. When leaving the dentist's office near noon we went in search of the flock that we had seen earlier and all that we could find in this lovely November landscape were three Mallards.

Waterty Wednesday is a delightful meme where you can enjoy almost any aspect of water scenes or activity. This meme offers a wide choice of topic. To view contributions of others or to post your own contribution, please click on the Watery Wednesday icon on the right sidebar on this page and enjoy. A Happy Wednesday wish to all!


  1. bright autumn morning
    three mallards paddling downstream
    hungering for fish

    WW: Cattails

  2. What a very beautiful scenery!
    Watery Wednesday

  3. I guess it's about that time of year for me to see more at the lake near me. Have a great WW!
