Saturday, November 13, 2010

Porcupine for photo hunter

The theme for this week's photo hunter is a tough one; itchy. I looked through my mammal photo archives hoping to find a pic of some animal acratching, but I had no luck there. But I did come across this picture of a porcupine and he represented the idea of itchy to me. It looks scruffy and rough. Would you feel itchy if you were covered with spines like it is? Don't you feel itchy just looking at it?

Thisweek's theme for photo hunter week is itchyand it is open to your own interpretation. To see what others have contributed or to add your own please click on the photohunter badge at the top of the right side bar


  1. This weeks Hunt was pretty easy for us, because Mom is very itchy!
    The Porcupine looks pretty itchy :)
    ~ Napoleon

  2. great take on itchy.:p
    the porcupine looks menacing.

  3. Nice take on the theme.

    Have a great weekend.

    Liz @ MLC

  4. Looks itchy to me!
