Tuesday, November 09, 2010

red geranium blossoms and memories for Ruby Tuesday

Binging summer inside is always part of my plan when digging up the geranium plants from our summer flower bed. I rescued two of them but left a third in our garden, for no particular reason. When our rains have stopped and it starts to dry a bit I will check to see if the third one is still surving in our flower bed. They are quite hardy plants and so I will not be surprised at how it is faring, although we have had some pretty heavy frosts last month. I transplanted this geranium in an old bean crock, although I would have preferred a large size stewed tomatoes can with the wrapper still on it. Maybe if the remaining plant is still surviving in the garden I will pot it in a tomato can. Why a tomato can? Early memories of my grandmother include seeing geraniums potted in tomato cans sitting on her kitchen window sill.The heat from her kitchen wood stove accompanied the setting for comfort on those long ago winter days when I would spend much time visiting with her in her home. The geraniums would become very tall and gangley at her windows, their beauty accented by the summer greens of Gram's wall paper of intertwining ivy wallpaper. I think that wallpaper pattern was always on Gram's kitchen wall. When the paper needed replacing, Gram always seemed to choose that same pattern over and over again.
Placing my potted geraniums at my window brings about constant memories of my Gram. (Myrtle Alice Nason)

editing note: I have checked on the third geranium in my flower bed. It is still thriving. tomorrow we will dig it up and pot it and set it at our window indoors where it will stay for the winter. Next summer it will be in our outdoors flower bed again.

Got photos with red want to share them?To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar or here:http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme


  1. I love the red geraniums

  2. It does make us happy to have a special connection like that. Your description of your Gram's kitchen was so good I felt like I was there.

  3. What a wonderful story Ann. I have lots of memories of my Grandma too. Those Geraniums are just gorgeous. Good luck with them.

  4. I love your story and memory! Geraniums look nice wherever they are, whether porch box, border, kitchen table, garden center, etc!

  5. How nice to bring the outside beauty inside for the winter months. A lovely story about your Grandmother.

  6. Such a perfect RED geranium! Welcome to Ruby Tuesday! :)
