Monday, December 13, 2010

snow goose with blue ribbion for Blue Monday

Although snowgeese are not common to our area, these three fly in our yard every winter season. I made the template a few years ago from a picture I had taken of snowgeese near Levi, Quebec, along highway #20

So make them a bit festive for the Christmas season,we added a blue ribbon to put around their necks, as the fly through winter on our fence which surrounds Bird Alley.
Actually Bird Alley isn't so winterlike this morning. Looking out our window I view a +10 C temperature and green grass beyond our gate. My kind of winter.
.Blue Monday is a meme that hosts photos which highlights the colour of blue. Please click on the bluejay badge in the right sidebar to learn more of this interesting meme found at :


  1. Oops! You forgot to link in. Please come back.

  2. Those are cute. Snow Geese aren't in our area either--just the Canadian Geese so I appreciate seeing yours!

  3. Those were very pretty. You did great. Thanks for sharing. Helen

  4. The geese look great on the fence,but I'm having trouble with those mild temperatures.We are still in a deep freeze.-13 C right now and a good layer of snow everywhere.

  5. What fun! These are really cute.

  6. Cool geese Ann. I bet they are happy with no snow. LOL

  7. Those are great Ann, very clever and creative to make a template from a photograph. 36 deg F. here in Virginia but we missed most of the snow people had and only got a dusting, whereas relatives of ours who live 200 miles south got a blizzard.
