Thursday, January 06, 2011

Crow in tree for Skywatch

Earlier today while en route to a nearby community to go grocery shopping we saw a huge bird in this tree. As we got closer we realized it was an eagle. The eagle also realized that we were onto its presence and left as soon as our vehicle stopped before I could snap any pictures. On our return home we we were delighted to see the presence of a large bird in the upper branches , but disappointingly it was just a crow. I shall check this tree often during the coming days in case that it is a favourite perching spot for the eagle that was there today.
back to you later.
My thanks and appreciation to those who host Skywatch Friday. To learn more of this meme which features skies from all over the world please go to A Happy Friday to all


  1. Pretty sky! Eagle sightings are always a treat! Happy skywatching!

  2. It's great that you spotted the eagle, even if you don't have a photo of it. The shot turned out good, nonetheless!


  3. wow!i wish we had like that in our place.. hehe! wonderful view... happy day!

  4. I like the shape of the tree, and the contrail behind it! The crow adds some life, too!

  5. That's quite a cool shot Ann. A good tree for perching for sure. There was an Eagle in my back yard this mornng, but the pictures I got were not so good. Too many tree branches, but at least I know they are still around.

  6. It is always glorious to see an eagle even when you don't manage to get a shot of it. I've had more interesting encounters without photos lately then the ones with. Just not quick enough some times!
