Friday, January 28, 2011

A Lone Snow Bunting

A telephone call yesterday afternoon from a bird watching aquaintance in the village alerted us to a bird she had not seen in her feeder areas before. From her description we thought it possibly was a Snow Bunting and we were right for with camera and bird book in hand we ventured to her home to investigate. The Snow Bunting was there where she had just spread some more bird feed and blackoiled sunflower seeds out on her driveway. The bird was not that timid as I got out of my car and it came right back where it has been checking out the food supply when we had arrived. There were no other SnowBuntings in sight nearby so it appeared that this lone Bunting had somehow gotten separated from the rest of the flock.


  1. They are pretty birds, how lucky to see one in the yards. I would love to see one anywhere.

  2. What a great discovery. So often our rare birds are gone by the time we get there. (wherever "there" is.)

  3. Wow,that's a pretty special thing,to have a Snow Bunting at the feeders.

  4. Oh, my. I feel I have seen it up close myself now.
    What lovely markings, shape, attitudes....I am feasting
    my eyes on these this morning! Thank you!
