Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Bohemian Waxwing for World Bird Wednesday

The cinnamon under tail which id's this waxwing as a Bohemian Waxwing can easily be seen in the above photo.And the source, , of the bird's attraction (the red berries) can be seen in the photo as well. This bird is featured on the header on this page as well. This species is a beautiful bird and always is a special sighting to me as it is not an often occurrence. Got snow today? We are waiting for it to start piling up later on today. Happy Groundhog day!. Let's hope for optimistic news regarding the prediction of spring's early arrival this year.
Want to view posts of birds from all over the world? Then drop byWorld Bird Wednesday by clicking on the icon on the right hand sidebar of this page. You are sure to enjoy the many fine photographs posted there by interested and interesting bloggers.


  1. One of my favourite birds. They always cause such excitement here when they arrive in the winter months.

  2. Gorgeous birds!

  3. Beautiful picture.The sightings of this bird is always special.

  4. Cedar or Bohemian, everyone's favourite. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. A new one for me...I've only seen Cedars. Great pic!

  6. I will never tire of seeing these beautiful birds.

  7. Thank you, I did not know how to tell the difference between the two birds. Good creativity on the header, your PP work looks great! I agree, it is always special to see these wonderful Waxwings!

  8. I've never seen this bird. He is quite the handsome fellow. Love the richness of his colors and the dramatic markings around his eyes.
