Sunday, March 20, 2011

Goldeneye making their spring debut for mellow yellow Monday

Wow! Yesterday morning had been great for , the first day of spring! For many years now the coming of spring has been heralded with me finding Goldeneye ducks in the Oromocto river at Hoyt. Howener the past couple of years I have not seen Goldeneye at that location, but it was always such a pleasant occasion that I have persisted in looking in that area. As I drove across the bridge at that location yesterday morning, my heart do a bit of celebrating for I saw two ducks in the river showing lots of white on thir bodies. Could it be? My favourite duck sighting debut? Yes , it was! But only in downloading could I confirm the sighting as Goldeneye
With seeing the round white dot and golden eye appearing in my pictures I knew they were Goldeneyes. Without using binoculars when first seeing the ducks I could not see their Golden eyes. I had gotten out of my car to get a better picture and much to my displeasure the two ducks left flying upstream. Oh well, not a problem, for now that I know where they can be found, I will return another day!

Have a great spring day everyone!

Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link belowmellow yellow


  1. Sounds like this tart of a good season.I hope you find many more great surprises.

  2. One tiny spot of yellow--but bright!


    They say just a touch of the gold
    Will make even timid ones bold;
    Try yellow, not blue,
    And bright amber too—
    And don’t be left out in the cold!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Old Man, Yellow Background

  3. Pretty pictures , beautiful. Have a good week.

  4. Happy Spring time to you too! Nice to see ducks again. I love this season. :) My Mellow Yellow Monday post

  5. Goldeneyes are one of my favorite ducks. I love the coloring of black and white across their backs. Glad you saw them.

  6. Gorgeous!

    My Mellow Yellow, come and see. Have a lovely Monday!

  7. Oh, they're so cute. At first I thought they looked like penguins. :D

    Please check out my Yellow Cala here.

  8. I have seen a few of these on our recent trips to the lake, and they are a striking duck.
