Friday, March 18, 2011

Recent spring sightings; Robins, Canada Geese and Grackle

My first sighting this morning was of these two Canada Geese in Blissville in the same pond where I had found Hooded Mergansers yesterday. I was hoping to find a larger flock in the area but had no luck finding anymore. I had gone to Hoyt at the flats there to look, but all I found there was a small floock of Robins. Not a problem, I would trade a bunch of Canada Geese for an early spring Robin sighting anyday.

This Robin shown above appeared to have two distinct lighter spots on its underbelly?
As it was raining it was rather difficult to get more pictures while getting wet and wetter. I was just so very happy to see my first Robins of 2011.
This is my most favourite grackle picture. I love the' bokeh effect' in the background, no not broken , but bokeh a Japanese photographic term used to describe an out of focus area of the image. I think I might try to reproduce this scene in a wall hanging. It will be an interesting challenge

Yesterday this grackle shown above flew into Bird Alley and checked things out for a while. It didn't stay long, but I am hoping it will return bringing all of its hungry buddy, even its usual springbird sidekick, a Red-winged Blackbird would be welcome to add to my enjoyment of seeing and photographing more spring migrants that are returning.

1 comment:

  1. Your favorite grackle photo has a perfectly balanced composition- very pleasing to the eye! Have fun transforming it to a wall hanging!
