Thursday, March 10, 2011

A White Bohemian Waxwing sighting today at Oromocto

Want to view posts of birds from all over the world? Then drop byWorld Bird Wednesday by clicking on the icon on the right hand sidebar of this page. You are sure to enjoy the many fine photographs posted there by interested and interesting bloggers.

On Thursday of last week, on March 10 I saw a rather unusual looking bird among a group of Bohemian Waxwings. The bird was almost all white, with the exception of a few coloured markings which identified this white bird as a Bohemian Waxwing also. The bird's undertail was a rufus colour and also it had a narrow yellow strip across the end of its tail feathers which is characteristic of all Waxwings. The bird was feeding on what appeared to be small red crabapples found on a group of small trees which bordered the parking lot of Guy Frenchys along the Restigouche Road in Oromocto. I hadn't noticed the white bird at first as I was busy taking picture of the large group of Bohemian Waxwings feeding there. Imagine my surprise and delight! when this beautiful bird appeared in my camera lens!

The white waxwing really stood out among the others. This was an outstanding sighting!


  1. Extraordinary!
    We've been lucky to have an irruptive year (and so,lots of photos) but that white'un makes a nice change.
    All the best for the spring!

  2. Yikes! He is gorgeous and so exotic looking. The waxwings are attractive birds anyway, but he is fabulous! You have such great luck at seeing special birds.

  3. Fantastic sighting, wonderful post and photos! Thanks for sharing this!

  4. DeVona@tds.net6:19 PM

    Oops! Left previous comment under my husbands ID, but I'm sure he shares my excitement, too!

  5. Wow! What a beautiful bird!

  6. Amazing sight!...and to have your camera handy too!

  7. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Thanks for sharing! Awesome bird :)

  8. Now that is a sight one usually doesn't get to see.This is special and you have pictures to prove it.I do hope you have reported this to some bird authority.

  9. Wow...what an amazing find! It is so unusual looking!

  10. Very pretty bird - have never seen one!

  11. Oh wow, maybe the most calmly beautiful bird I have ever seen. It makes me think of a Siamese cat.

  12. I was out blog hoppin' ... and happened to land here. I enjoyed the visit. What a fantastic sighting of the bohemian waxwings ~ especially the white one. :) Have a great day!

  13. Interesting to see a leucistic Waxwing.

  14. A very nice set of images. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Beautiful birds to see. Great series of images.

  16. Beautiful birds! This is a lovely series of photos.

  17. That is an amazing capture. Such is the rich reward of nature photography, You will have this moment forever. Thanks for sharing it!

  18. I saw one of these in Owen Sound this morning . It is a beautiful bird. It certaily did stand out.
