Saturday, April 02, 2011

American Goldfinch for Camera Critters

Snowy Bird Alley

What a wonderful uplifting surprise I had this morning when looking out of my window upon snowy bird alley. Yes, snowy!, Mother Nature had pulled a great April Fools on us yesterday by sending us a big winter storm. All is white out doors today except for this golden ray of springtime hope in the form of this golden yellow male American Goldfinch feeding at our niger seed feeder. I had refilled the feeders just this past week as we still have a few hungry Common Redpolls hanging around..And we have not one , but two Goldfinch feeding in Bird Alley today!


  1. Hi! Remember me? I linked to your blog again so my readers can see your fantastic duck photographs. Your blog is a treat as always!

  2. Yikes....where is spring? We had this last week in Toronto, today sunny but cold.
    Gorgeous pictures of the Golfinch. I have 5 huge crabapples in my backyard and all through the seasons I have different birds on the branches.
    Thanks for sharing one of your great photo's...... have a great wekend!

  3. Great shots. That snow is beautiful covering each branch of the trees.
    Have a nice day.

  4. It is hard to believe it is really Spring. Love your Goldies, they are sweet birds.

  5. Oh! Doesn't that lovely finch stand out on the snowy tree. Great shot.

  6. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Snowy here too! What a fabulous shot of the goldfinch.

  7. Great shots!! All my RedPolls are gone now. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  8. Beautiful shot!

    My Critters, come and see. Have A LOVELY WEEKEND!

  9. It always seems to weird to me that you up north are still getting snow at this time.
