Thursday, April 14, 2011

A gentle sunset for Skywatch Friday

I had been watching the sky as I had driven to a neighbouring community hoping to see a sunset, but deciding to return hope without a sunset having developed I was very surprised to glimpse the very red setting sun in my car's rear view mirror reflecting a very beautiful blue sky colour enhanced with the red setting sun. A beautiful closing to a lovely day.

My thanks to the hosts of Skywatch Friday for continuing to host this very popular Friday skywatch meme. If you would like to post your own photos or just enjoy looking to see the photographic offerings of others, please scroll down this page and look upon the righ thand side to click on the skywatch logo to go to the meme. A happy Friday to all.


  1. Cool capture of the sunset. It is a lovely ending to the day.

  2. It is amazing what we see in our rear view mirrors. Sometimes it is looking back into our lives.

  3. Great shot. Very creative!
    Have a nice weekend.

  4. Oh, that is so cool!

    I just love beautiful sunsets...
