Saturday, April 16, 2011

An Osprey for Camera Critters

My purpose in driving down the Mast Road st Three Tree Creek yesterday was to see if I could get another glimpse and photo of the Osprey that I had seen on Monday sitting on top of its nest on the corner of the Mast Road and the Wilsey Road. We watch for the Osprey at this nest every year and so far they haven't failed us in returning to this site.
You can imagine my surprise and delight when I saw this Osprey perched on an dead old branch alongside the road! What a lovely photo opportunity to find it out of its nest!
I stopped my car, rolled down my window directly adjacent to it so I could angle up my camera for a full bodied shot. How white and so clean looking it was!
It had noticed me and hunced its shoulders and glared at me (I was so close sitting there almost under it!) while it started to emit a shrill short whistles that are characteristic of Osprey
Its yellow eyes did not have a friendly appearance. I wondered if I should leave?
But then it turned its head and I saw another Osprey swoop by, probably in answer to its call. I was annoyed that I hadn't scanned the tree high enough. I had placed my sole concentration on this one bird! What else had I missed?
The Osprey I had been watching started to move around as if preparing its wings in flight to follow the other one, so I drove off
looking back a second later there was no Osprey in sight!. What a wonderful sighting of such a magnificent wild creature!

Got a picture of an interesting critter that yoy want to share, then why not post it on camera critters at:, or scroll down this page on the right until you come to the CC logo and click on it to go to the link pages to see what critters others have to share. Happy photo hunting ou there.


  1. Cool shots of the Osprey. Love the closeups.

  2. Great close up!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Great shots of a magnificent bird!

  4. Amazing shots.This is certainly a special interaction between bird and photographer.

  5. A truly magnificent bird! Nice shots!

  6. Now, that is what I call beauty!

    Please come and see my critter post. Have a great weekend!

  7. What a cool catch Ann. I love the shot of the wings out. We don't see Ospreys very much here, and it would be a treat for sure.
