Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Osprey, They're Back!

I have been watching this Osprey Nest, shown below sitting on top of a power line, for the last few days, ever sinceI heard of the first reported sighting of a returned Osprey that was seen in Jemseg last week. I have also been watching an Osprey nest at Hazen Park at Oromocto but haven't seen any Osprey there yet.

Ospreys are a very common sighting in our area as they fish for gaspereau in The nearby Oromocto River around here. Many of their nests can be seen built a top of power lines. I took a picture of this distant one this morning, and only after downloading did I discover that there were two Osprey on the nest.


  1. These nests should give you some great photo opportunities.

  2. How neat that you get to watch this. What an interesting bird. I've never seen one before. I hope they have chicks and you get photos!
