Wednesday, June 01, 2011

A Cliff Swallow and nest building forWorldbird Wednesday

I had taken this photo yesterday but didn't download the picture until this morning. I was very surprised, but pleased, to see a Cliff Swallow lying in the beginnings of its nest.I hadn't know the bird was there when I took the picture The nest is built of dabs of mud and a nest is built here each year. You can see the muddy portion on the building above the beginnings of this year'a nest, where the nest had been last year. Unfortunately last year's nest had been removed which is against the laws relating tothe migratory birds act. I hope that similiar nest destruction/vandalism doesn't occur again this year. I shall have to moniter its progress and hope there will be no cause for alarm regarding this!

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  1. Amazing to think of the work that goes into building that nest.
    Great find Ann.

  2. What a wonderful architect your Barn swallow is. Like the adobe huts in S.W. North America. What a remarkable adaptation!

  3. What a wonderful find! Very nice captures and live the nest detail.

  4. A lovely bird to see building it's nest.
    Many thanks for sharing yours.

  5. Your images are very good! They nest under a bridge near me but haven't been able to get a good capture.
    Hope yours fare peace!

  6. Great Find then!! I was watching some of these fellows under the bridge near me..such fun to watch!

  7. It is so interesting that there are so many kinds of birds' nests. This one looks like it's in a good location for watching!
