Tuesday, May 17, 2011

male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak for Ruby Tuesday

We have had two handsome male Rose-breasted Grosbeak visiting and feeding in Bird Alley recently. Yesterday I missed a great picture of them both, one on each side of the same feeder, but "Oh
Well, perhaps they'll return today. They are quite skittish and seem to detect the slightest movement by me on the other side of the window. The female of the species showed up too. She is not very beautiful, To me she looks like a giant sized female Purple Finch. ( see her picture below) See what I mean?

Got pictures with red? Why not share them on Ruby Tuesday? http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/Please scroll down this page to the right and you will find the ruby tuesdat icon there. Click on it and follow the instructions. This great meme is hosted by Mary, the Teach.


  1. Handsome little fellow with the ruby red chest. Nice work.

  2. I love this bird, great shots!

  3. I'm impressed. It takes patience to take photos of flitting birds!


    Did someone mention scarlet
    Or was it red I heard?
    Perhaps it was a varlet
    Or a vermilion bird
    That shouted out the color
    That’s dearest to my heart.
    (It makes me feel much duller
    If red is not a part.)

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Just a Spot of Red

  4. Sweet little bird ;)

  5. Such gorgeous shots!

    Hope you don't mind peeking at my Ruby Tuesday, thanks!

  6. Love the shots! Lovely bird!

    Roller Coaster
