Sunday, May 22, 2011

Scenic Sunday in my own back yard

Last summer my husband, David undertook a big project. He decided to fence in our gardens and backyard. He prides himself on the Hostas he nourishes and grows and the visiting white-tailed deer that often visited our garden destroyed many of his plants with their annoying munching and lunching habits. It was very discouraging, so thus the need developed for the enclosing fence. Before David finished the fence building he saw an image of a tori gate! Yes! He had to build one. So he developed his own pattern and shown above is the result of his endeavours.
This spring the peace and serenity of our garden area has been elevated with the emergence of blossoms on our Service Berry tree (bush). Also a Pear tree near by is nearing full blossom. Other than all of the rain we have been having recently it is a lovely time of year. The hostas are beginning to open their leaves. The fruit and berry trees are coming into blossom and the resident tree swallow surveys it all from her elevated position, high over our yard looking out of our Tree Swallow House which is now attached to our fence. Our garden community is coming together, nicely knit together and protected from munching deer with our fence and tori gate. I really don't think the fence would keep out raccoons, but we haven't seen any around our bird feeders this spring? Hmmm... I wonder???


  1. Beautiful! Is that a painting of the serviceberry arching over the fence? It's lovely!

  2. Wonderful gate Ann. I can only imagine the beauty!
    Have a womderful week.

  3. De Vona, I used the filter 'dry brush' from my photo shop editing software to highlight the blossoms and gate. Glad you liked the results. I did.Thanks for your comment.

  4. Your gate is love and truly scenic!
