Friday, June 17, 2011

a dragonfly reflection for weekend reflections

This is perhaps not the sort of reflection that is expected for this meme , however I thought it was quite striking and unique. I think it might be a Stream Cruiser dragonfly. I found it attached to the blossom of s purple vetch along the roadside. I couldn't get a good, sharp , clear photo of it and thought it might be dead as it displayed no movement when I jiggled the stalk of the plant it was on. still, no movement, so I picked the flower, dragonfly and all. I had considered taking the dead dragonflyhome to take a good picture of it with my macro lens. I had laid the purple vetch blossom and the dragonfly on the hood of my car and then I saw a slight quivering and vibration in its wings. As I watched it moved its legs and wings and then flew away!!!! Wow! Surprise!!, so I got no maco photos of this beautiful creature.

Weekend Reflections a meme where you can view beautiful reflections captured by others. Just click on the logo on the right to see what others have captured with their cameras


  1. Absolutely a great reflection for this meme! Very cool shot!

  2. Wow, this is great, requiring great patience with your camera:)

  3. Amazing photo AND an amazing story. Wonderful.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. I saw the word "dragonfly" and came over. Love this shot!

  5. An interesting encounter. Maybe it was a little cold.

  6. Oh, you must have been so surprised when it flew away! What a neat picture! :)

  7. You have an awesome capture here of the dragonfly shadow. Beautiful. Love the dark against the purple. genie
