Thursday, June 23, 2011

In celebration of nature with wooden things for Thursday's challenge

The theme for today's Thursday Challenge is "wooden". This is an appropiate theme for me to show and display the wood working talents of my husband David. David has a talent for wood carving and several years ago made this crow box. The sliding top of the box has a crow resting on it on the open page of the book. The book is also appropriate for Dr. Dave as David is a rertired high school administer and in his latter years of teaching before retirement he taught classes at the university level..A few years ago being a bit short of closet space, David built this wardrobe shown above and he decorated one side of it with a hunting scene with a hunter on a horse accompanied with two hunting dogs and at the top two birds can be seen in flight.
This is a beautiful piece of furniture. The horses head shown above
two birds in flight I have added this picture to correct the hunting scene. Actually the hunter on horseback is a falconer and above can be seen a falcon in pursuit of the two birds in flight.
David also has used his carpentry skills outdoors in our dooryard by fully enclosing our yard and gardens with a fence. The fence has many gates which serve to keep the deer out and our grandchildren in.
Some parts of the fence only serve a decorative purpose such as this corner piece that we call the humming bird fence shown above.
This structure shown above we call the bower. I am using this structure as a place for pole beans to grow this summer. Without the intrusion of deer into out garden I am looking forward to a crop of unnibbled pole beans this summer. Also within the enclosure are tomato plants which we look forward to at harvesting time.. We were delighted last summer when one of our visiting grandsons excitedly discovered this secret garden room.
This is a pergola at the end of our bird watching area of our yard which we call Bird Alley. This structure attracts many birds which has Virgina Creeper and American Bittersweet growing over it.

And every garden needs a bridge such as this one shown above. It crosses over a 'pretend' little stream. The bed of the pretend stream is rock lined with rocks which we have gathered. And sometimes in the spring there is even water running in our little brook!

I hope you have enjoyed my show and tell post of wooden things created by my talented husband David. Hopefully some day I can show pictures of a little covered bridge crossing the ditch which runs alongside our property.

Thursday Challenge is a meme which offers a different theme each week. This week's theme is wooden. To join in on the fun you can find this meme at:


  1. What talent your husband has!! His work is just beautiful and would be a treasure in anyone's home!

  2. Love the book box. Does he have my book box he is making me for Christmas to fit my novel done yet? hee, hee ...

  3. I absolutely love the crow box. You are so lucky to have such a talented husband.

  4. Thanks so much Ann for the very interesting tour of David's workings. I love what he has done, and isn't it great to have a hubby with such great creativity?

  5. I've known you are talented through your blogs, photographer's eye, quilts and paintings! Then realized your children are talented- music, writing and quilting! Now, more puzzle pieces are revealed showing extraordinary woodworking skills! The world seems a wonderful place when such creativity exists!
