Sunday, June 26, 2011

More Snapping Turtles: Part Four

Yess, I know, enough of Snapping Turtles: But, a telephone call early yesterday afternoon sent me hurrying down to the railroad tracks in the rain. The turtle didn't seem to care that it was raining and neither did I. Neighbor Dave,( Turtleman) told me that a snapping turtle was presently laying laying eggs and it would be a good picture taking opportunity, and he was right.
Here is a view of what I had seen when I arrived at the turtle's chosen nest location.The turtle's body was slid down an incline into the hole it had dug to receive its eggs. Notice in the picture above the disturbed soil to the right of the turtle. That disturbed soil is the location of the first snapping turtle nest I had seen on Friday, Come September this might be a busy spot, if a fox or raccoon or whatever else doesn't get to the eggs first and dig up the eggs before they are hatched. This has happened to turtle eggs here other yearsIt appeared to be quite a strenuous activity!All the while I was present taking pictures I detected no movement from the turtle, so I didn't hang around to wait until it finished. I will probably see more turtles laying its eggs in the various stages over the next few days,as has been the usual case over the past few years.
I haven't gone to check on the river or railroad tracks yet this morning, but I am in no hurry. there are other nature events I have been following. For example the development of a Cliff Swallow nest across the street from me. I think its nest has been completed , now for an indication that its mate has stayed around and to observe signs that the eggs have been laid. I have also been watching a Common Milkweed patch which should be in full bloom some day in the coming week. Maybe I well be able to find a Monarch butterfly caterpillar there, and watch the caterpillar change into a beautiful adult Monarch. I have several choices to focus on today: snapping turtles, Cliff swallows or butterflies. Drop by tomorrow to see what I had discoveries I found and what choice I had made.. Best wishes for a great day everyone.


  1. Lucky you,to have all this action to photograph.Have fun.

  2. I have enjoyed your turtle series.

  3. So interesting to watch this. I'm enjoying going back through the series, but might not comment on all of them. I don't see a lot of snappers but know they are around.
