Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lupines growing everywhere! for Scenic Sunday

This is s view of the old railroad bridge framed in the forefront by a gully full of lupines.

At this time of year lupines are growing wild everywhere!
We even have them growing in our garden!

Scenic Sunday is a meme where you can share the beauty your camera has captured for your enjoyment and for the enjoyment of others too. Please scroll along the right side of this page to the scenic Sunday icon and click to share with others and also to view what others have shared. Have a wonderful day!


  1. They are even more spectacular growing in the wild.I have them in my garden too,and love them.They were a real favourite of my husband.

  2. Great shots and beautiful flowers.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  3. Lupines add so much color to a view. Lovely photos.

  4. I love lupines-your photos inspire me to scatter some seedpods along the tracks bisecting our property!

  5. How beautiful! I'd love to have some around here.

  6. DeVona, I love your comment about scattering lupine seeds. I once had asperations of becoming Annie Lupine Seed like Johnny Appleseed was to apple trees all over America. But the wind did the scattering for me. In the area where we used to live the roadsides are full of beautiful lupines.
