Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Young Canada Geese for World Bird Wednesday

This watchful parent is doing its parentage job well by heeping a watchful eye on its young brood as they are feeding near a pond.
They didn't stray too far from the adult Canada and I imagine they would all take to the pond quickly if danger threatened. I knew this goose family would probably be here as I had seen them swimming in the pond earlier this week.
I see one little gosling has found its voice, its open mouth suggests it might be squawking.
You have a wonderful looking family Mamma or Papa Goose. You are doing a wonderful job guarding them! Keep taking care with them!

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  1. Lovely captures of the Canada Goose family! It's a wonderful looking family indeed.

  2. These geese certainly make good parents. They are constantly on watch, over their young. Lovely captures of the family.

  3. Lovely images of a beautiful family.
    Many thanks for sharing.

  4. They sure do look after their family don't they? Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. They are very cute! I've seen many Canada geese families around here now, and it cracks me up how they often travel in a single-file line with one parent in the front and one in the back!

  6. Wonderful sighting. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Nice captures of the Canada Goose family! I love the photo in your header too!
