Saturday, July 02, 2011

An American Woodcock crossing the road for Camera Critters

I don't encounter this species of bird often, but when I do its an exciting find as this is a secretive and nocturnal bird.The occasion of most my infrequent sightings have been when finding it in the process of crossing a road or highway.
The beauty of this bird cannot be seen very clearly in the photos above, but the long bill gives this bird identification as to what it was.
The picture below was taken in 2008 and this Woodcock was crossing a road and I just happened to have come along. Camera Critters is a meme where all sorts of critter photos are posted. If you are curious or would like to post your own photos like I have then please go to:


  1. Cool bird - don't think I have ever seen one!

  2. Awesome sighting! Good timing on the camera! Good capture too! :) So clear!

  3. How on earth does it balance itself while carrying that loooong beak? Very interesting.

  4. I've never seen a woodcock, but it is so cute in it's own way! :)

    Living So Abundantly: New meme coming this Thursday, July 7, 2011, Give Back Thursday--come join the fun!

  5. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I've never seen a woodcock,I think he's so cute!

  6. I'll have to look up this bird. I've never seen one and he looks as if he is built for some definite purpose. How lucky you were there to catch him with your camera!
