Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cardinals for Ruby Tuesday

While visiting London, Ontario ( the forest city),last week we often breakfasted outside on my son's upper deck. It was such a lovely setting with trees so close by. Here in New Brunswick it is a rare delight to see a handsome red male cardinal in our yard, but they were a daily sighting at my son's home. I often supplemented my breakfast utensils with my camera and photographed cardinals in the trees there nearby.
As a former art teacher I have always been fascinated at how a child's creative art work reflects their experiences and their surroundings. My young grandson, David, became aware of my interest in birds and would often point them out to me when he saw one in the trees. Before we left he drew a picture of my favourite bird sighting there and it definitely reflected the influence of the nature environment which had become part of his daily routine. David';'s family walk to the ponds nearby and on the forest trails daily.Well done David! I love the wings in flight! I notice David has included some black on the bird's beak. I wonder if this might be reflecting the black bearded area of a male cardinal's face.This tree above in David's drawing may have been influenced by the beautiful old Jack Pine seen in the center front view of the forest from their deck. And although we were wishing for rain all week, the rainbow in the picture was a beautiful image recalled from David's memory bank above, a jack pine tree
above a silhouette of jack pine needles

Got photos with red? Why not share them by posting them to
Ruby Tuesday. To find this delightful red focused meme, please click here.http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/


  1. Your cardinal photos are great! And thank you for including the beautiful artwork. He definitely has a good eye for detail.

  2. Beautiful shots!

    Happy RT.

    Mine's here.

  3. Now that I no longer live in the eastern U.S., I very much miss cardinals. Thanks for these shots of one of my favorite birds!


    What is there about the color red
    That makes me want to stand on my head,
    And give a loud shout or two of praise
    For crimson tints that brighten my days?

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Bits of red here and here

  4. HI Ann...what a delightful post..the Cardinal is the most gorgeous bird( I usualy have them at my feeders in the winter)
    Your Grandsons interpertation through his eyes are wonderful love it!!
