Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Our Tree Swallows are gone! for Worldbird Wednesday

If the Tree Swallows were still here I would have titled this; Tree Swallows Be Gone! for the adult birds had harassed us all last week in our yard. One day last week while hanging clothes on our backyard clothesline, all of a sudden it was as if a knife had whizzed by my head. The sound of it and its speed was downright scary! The baby Tree Swallows were ready to fledge and the nervous anxious parent birds would tolerate no one in our back yard. Its not likey we will reach into the bird house and snatch up one of the babies as the house is high up in the air. My husband who spends most of each day gardening there had to give up his outside work and come inside and read a book. He had bought a tree on the weekend but could not plant it as the adult sparrows kept diving at him. The tree is now planted. As of Monday our back yard has been really quiet and tranquil. We have hosted Tree Swallows in the bird house in our back yard for several years now and its only been the last two summers that we have experienced their hostile nature towards us. The photos below explain the reason why. These precious little babies shown in the bird house below are ready to leave home and the adult parent birds are very protective of them. Bye, bye swallows, until next year!

About the pictures: They were taken with a 400 mm zoom lens while I was standing on the ground. These were not all taken this summer, some of them were taken in 2008 so my picture taking was not the source of the parents anxiety this year.

Got pictures of birds you would like to share? Why not post them on Worldbird Wednesday? find out how, please scroll down the right hand side of this page until you come to the worldbird logo, click on it and follow the directions from there


  1. Who said birds aren't aggressive!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. The picture of the three swallows peaking out of the birdhouse is phenomenal. Such spirit! Your new header photo kicks it too!

  3. what adorable babies! No wonder the adults are so keen to protect them!

  4. It's sad when they leave, but you can look forward to next year's family. Wonderful captures!

    Did you mean to state a 400 mm lens instead of a 4000 mm lens? :)

  5. Stunning images of your lovely birds...

  6. You're right Maine birder. I had meant 400 mm lens, not 4000mm. Thanks for picking up on my error. Your drawing my attention to it is much appreciated; I have since corrected it.

  7. Lovely photos of the baby birds but too bad that the adults got so aggressive.

  8. Great captures at the nest Ann.

  9. I love your header photo! Great post about your experiences with the Swallows. My, they were protective! Those babies are adorable!

  10. Great shots of the Tree Swallows Ann. The three nestlings sticking their heads out the entrance brought a big smile to my face!

    I have been monitoring bluebird boxes with Tree Swallows for years and been strafed many times (see my most recent post). The swallows have come very close to me but have never actually touched me. I have felt the rush of air as they whiz past though.

    I would think that if you wore a wide brimmed hat out in the yard and went about your business, they might get used to your presence and not feel threatened? Just a thought, I don't know.
