Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sunset on Lake Huron

We have been vacationing in southern Ontario this week and enduring days of extreme heat! Earlier this week, in an effort to enjoy a break from the unrelenting heat we drove to Grand Bend, Ontario which is located on the beautiful sandy shores of Lake Huron . The end of a beautiful refreshing day came to its conclusion with the viewing of this beautiful sunset. I wish we were there today as it is within the 35 degrees C range this afternoon.note; please click on the pictures to enlarge them to further enjoy the full beauty of the sunset.


  1. Just beautiful! I, too, am ready for a cool dip in a lake or pond or river or ocean...I hope you get to cool off soon!

  2. Beautiful sunset captures!

  3. Beautiful.That heat is beginning to get o me as well.

  4. The hottest day yet here in Northern Virginia, and I would love to be enjoying your stunning sunsets in any temperature!!

  5. So sorry you have been caught up in the midwestern sweep of brutal heat all the way into Canada. We ahve been curiously cool here for late July - almost spring like. Today we are creeping back to more recognizable temperatures. It was 95F today.

  6. Some of those skies just stunning! Wonderful pictures of the moths and butterflies too.
