Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Robin and Mountain Ash berries for ruby Tuesday

Soon this Mountain Ash tree will be stripped of its berries and I hope my camera and I see the action and feathered visitors. It only takes a day for the berries to be devoured and the tree to be bare of its berries.
We had a huge Mountain Ash tree at out previous home at Hawkshaw and each year we waited for a huge flock of evening Grosbeaks to descend upon the berries. there used to be so many birds, it was a seasonal delight that we anticipated and enjoyed.
Here at our present home we get mainly Robins and sometimes Cedar Waxwings feasting on the red berries of this magnificent tree, which was a gift to us from our son Davis several years ago.

Got photos with red? Why not share them by posting them to
Ruby Tuesday. To find this delightful red focused meme, please click here.http://workofthepoet.blogspot.com/


  1. Awesome photo ~ Love it ~ thanks ~namaste, Carol ~ Happy Ruby T from A Creative Harbor

  2. Obviously you were in the right place at the right time--AND you were very, very still!


    I am feeling red today—
    Better that than blue, they say.

    Red is such a cheery shade,
    Sweetest color ever made,

    Brightens everything you do—
    Better red, they say, than blue!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher


  3. What a lovely photo of a robin and rowan berries! I wrote a blog entry dated 8/26/11 about the Mountain Ash at http://carolsteel5050.blogspot.com

    My berries are not quite red for Ruby Tuesday yet; they are still at the orangey stage, but I'll share the photos anyway. Thanks for your blog. I enjoy reading and seeing it!

  4. What an awesome photo.
    Love it very much.
    The robin is so cute.

    Cassy from Lead Guitar Lessons

  5. You captured it so right! Mine is up and its here thanks Anne’s Sweet Life

  6. Such a treat!

    Visiting here for Ruby Tuesday, mine is at Obstacles and Glories blog. Have a great day!
