Monday, August 15, 2011

yellow garden flowers for mellow yellow monday

"Tis the season to be yellow" in my garden! I see an explosion of yellow whenever I look out my windows these days.
Cone flowers are an all time favourite of ours, and if you look carefully at the picture, amid the yellow, you can also find a pink cone flower and also a white one! They were favourite of butterflies once too. for I have seen very few butterflies feeding on them for the past two years. No butterflies have been attracted to them, that I have seen yet this year. I keep watching daily but no luck in my butterfly sightings yet.
We are hosta lovers and have about 50-60 different kinds in our garden. The one above is an exception as it shall remain nameless. Originally it was a gold standard, but over the past few years seem s to be marchin or * growing to the beat of its own unique rhythm or pattern. It is a favourite of ours and is very striking in its development of greens and yellows..
Golden Glo!!! This particular plant has survived a couple of moves. Originally I dug it up from an old deserted homestead at Prince William, NB many years ago. Since then we have brought it with us to our present home and gardens where we now reside. It grows very tall and spreading. A good wind has it bowing down. It is an old species and in the past has been known as the "outhouse plant", I guess because it was often planted around outhouses to maybe camouflage them, or perhaps to present the facilities in a more positive and attractive light.
My grandmother Clara Pheasant Robinson always had golden glo in her garden and it was for that reason why I planted these flowers in mine. From its roots an abundance of memories grow for me.

Got pictures with yellow that you would like to share? Why not post them on Mellow Yellow Monday, a delightful meme that focuses on the colour yellow?Just clink here: to access this meme


  1. Hi Ann....oh my from the moment zi saw the Golden glow I just new it was the same plant the grew in a large area next to my Grandmothers living room I wish I had a clump of it now! : {
    Wonder you have it : }
    I have not seen any butterflies on the yellow ,but the pink has been loaded with the Flittillary's!!!
    Nice Mellow Yellow Mondays

    Grace ...raining 70f

  2. gorgeous yellow blooms! a delightful sight.

  3. Grace
    We have a bunch of pink coneflowers also but they too are butterfly less? I had planted them to attract butterflies! go figure! Ann

  4. THe Hosta and flowers are beautiful.

  5. Lots of lovely color! I haven't seen as many butterflies this year as last. Isn't it interesting how we move plants from one home to the next and have such strong memories attached to certain ones? I brought flowers to this house from the last and would probally do it again. I also planted a lot of bushes that I remembered from my childhood home and loved.
