Monday, October 31, 2011

Oh No! our first Snow!

The snow didn't amount to much Thank Goodness!, Just a soft covering which sent me searching through my archives to find this poem written by me a few years ago. Its a quilting poem.

Needles of pine quilt a soft warm blanket using

hushed hues of faded browns and yawning yellows
as Autumn prepares its winter bed

Northern vagabonds of wind and snow
whistle a warning lullaby of winter's approach
and Autumn falls asleep upon a soft white pillow

Winter stay away, you are not welcome here!


  1. Your yard looks lovely under its soft warm blanket. This snow will melt with the first warming sun.

  2. Hi Ann....We had close to 8 inches, starting Saturday night into Sunday morning!! I have never seen this much snow in October before!
    Lost elec. power 7.30am Sunday morning and just got it back Monday 11.45 am....25 degrees this morning everything froze, but thank goodness it is now 52 degree..whew I am not looking forward to winter!!
    You are lucky that"s all you!! Love you poem!!

    Take care

  3. Love the 'yawning yellows' - nice! Hope that your snow does melt away although it looks pretty in your photo.

  4. It just amazes me that you have had snow already! Ugh!
