Monday, November 21, 2011

roadside grasses for mellow yellow Monday

These beautiful roadside grasses enticed me to stop the other day to take their picture. Their beautiful eart tones colour presented as a mellow welcome. No longer rosdside wildflowers but instead this fall bouquet of colours waved at me and grasped my attention..

Got pictures with yellow? Why not post them on the mellow yellow Monday meme by connecting to this link. Or You can click on its icon found on this page in the right column by finding it by scrolling down this page. If your plan is not to post a photo, then perhaps you will just want to enjoy all of the yellow contributions posted there


  1. Every bit as beautiful as any flower. I love the light on these.

  2. Captured beautifully!

    My YELLOW, come by anytime and see.

  3. Those are beautiful grasses..

    Visiting for MYM! Hope you can visit me too:)

  4. Lovely pictures! Nice job on making the most of the light.
