Thursday, November 24, 2011

Snow in Bird Alley brings birds and deer!

This handsome male Northern Cardinal has found the source of the food in bird alley. Above the cardina lis a new bird feeder which the Blue Jays dominate. As the jays are hastily feeding they are scattering seeds that fall below on the ground. It the snow in its beak is a clue at all, I would observe that thid bird guy knows where the bird food has fallen and he is foraging for a few tender bits and pieces. Now that we know he knows where to feed we will be awaiting his return appearance today.

above: female Hairy Woodpecker

Earlier this week in a previous post I had posted photos of a male Hairy Woodpecker. today its female counterpart arrived, a female Hairy Woodpecker. This gal bird is quite striking in her appearance. Notice her contrasting black and white beauty. Also she is lacking the red at the back of her head which the male Hairy displays. Maybe the little male Downy will show up today also, as it has done previous this week.

American Goldfinch, We now have a passel of them. Previous to the snow I was seeing two a day feeding at the nyger seed feeder. Today I have had up to eight at this feeder.

I also mentioned deer in my title today. We didn't see a deer but the tell tale tracks that it or they? left behind. Howdid it get in? We have fenced our yard so that no deer could get in, but we have been outsmarted! I probably won't get any pictures of them in Bird Alley for it is only overnight while we are sleeping that the make their feeding visits. I kind of miss looking out my window and seeing them.

Our yard birds so far today:
Blue Jays
one female Hairy Woodpecker
Black-capped Chickadees
Mourning Dove
American Goldfinch
one male Hairy Woodpecker


  1. Enjoy all those birds. I hope you are not getting too much snow.

  2. Wonderful birds and photos. The snow really must make the birds hungry. Love the Goldie shot.

  3. HI Ann...That Cardinal is just fantastic...don't ya just love seeing them in the snow!! : }
    Great birdie them all!!

  4. Gorgeous photo of the Cardinal. Absolutely stunning!

  5. I imagine all those birds are thankful for their food. Helen

  6. Beautiful bird photos! I had my first pair of Cardinals come to the yard just this morning. I was thrilled...I keep waiting for the others to find the food. Happy Thanksgiving
