Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Memories

A deer in the meadow
stood still in the moonlit night
with the snow falling all around
before journeying on its way

It had become a tradition when our children were little to take a walk in the beautiful meadow which was adjacent to our property at our old home at Hawkshaw, on New Year's Eve. Our two older children still remember it and talk about it. However we no longer have access to the meadow anymore and further I am getting too old to wander through a snowy meadow at night anymore ( My walker would not work well on a snowy hillside) and besides we don't have any snow lying on the ground this year. ( I am thankful for that!)

A Happy New Year is wished for everyone. Welcome 2012. My memories are still fresh of new year's eve 2000., so anticipated by all.


  1. A beautiful memory! Happy New Year!

  2. What a beautiful photo and memory! I wish you all the best in 2012, Happy New Year!

  3. I hope that the year ahead will be filled with blessings and wonderful things,just for you.

  4. Have a wonder-filled new year! Very enjoyable post as always!

  5. Lovely photo, lovely memory, lovely words. Hope you have a Happy New Year.
