Sunday, January 08, 2012

My winter: January 2012

I think this steam is saying, "I think I can, I think I can!" as it struggles to close the gap over this open flowing water in this woodland stream.
Good winter driving over and through thus covered bridge, just a few white sprinkles highlight the roadsides when this photo was taken.
There must have been a bumper crop of hay this summer past or there was no room left in the barn as I see a lot of rolls of hay still left out in the fields this winter.


  1. Good morning, Ann. Seeing your morning images inspires me to get out early and do the same - see what may be seen.

  2. Hi Ann...Do you not have any snow ....we don't...very unusal !
    Like that covered bridge!!

  3. Again, great pictures! I always love the ones of fields with hay. We still have a lot out in our fields too, and I guess the farmers are thinking that it's okay since winter seems to be eluding us! :-)

    I hope your weekend is ending on a good note!
