Wednesday, January 18, 2012

old railroad bridge for outdoors Wednesday

a faviourite view of mine no matter what the season, an old railroad bridge. the view will be somewhat changed todat as we have had overnight snowand it is raining now. The river ice isn't all rhar solid and will easily break or crack.

I love the frame of yellow grasses,
So this is my outdoors view, If you would like to see more or share yours, then go to the Outdoors Wednesday logo on the right side of this page, click on it and follow the instructions of 'southern dreamer and link in from there.


  1. beautiful shot of this old bridge. Blessings, Debbie

  2. really beautiful shot!!

  3. That is pretty scene. Thanks for sharing.

    Outdoor Wednesday

  4. Love the old bridge, love the angle and contrasts.
