Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another Robin Sighting today!

Although my favourite pond where I often sight ducks in the spring is ice covered. Memories of past pleasurable sighting memories draw me back to that location. Today I had another pleasurable sighting there, a Robin!. Near the shore of the pond a wild apple tree grows. Which has the roundest red belly in the photo above? the Robin or the apple? The tree is still full of apples hanging from it. That is where I saw a Robin this morning, in this apple tree!!.
This was my first view of the Robin in the tree this morning..
If there are still hungry Robins around I think this location might be an advantageous photo opportunity in future days. I shall follow up on it!


  1. Sweet! We have a few robins hanging around here also!

  2. Great post. If it were here we would have waxwings and starlings along with the robins.

  3. Now that I've decided we aren't going to get winter, I'm looking for spring and Robins that are apparently showing up here in Virginia too!!

  4. Another wonderful post! I'll keep my eyes open for robins in our area, too!
