Sunday, February 26, 2012

zig zagging into Spring for Scenic Sunday

A zig zag river of fresh water makes it way along on the frozen surface of the Oromocto river.
Each year immediately after Groundhog Day,( no matter what the groundhogs forecast) I start searching daily for signs of an early spring. I have already had my robin encounter ( what can be a truer prediction of spring days than to gaze at a beautiful robin Red breast?, I have seen mating behaviour of two blue Jays, ( one feeding another) and the branches of the redwoods are getting redder and the willows are starting to yellow up with their spring awakening and the birches are developing a rosy glow along the roadsides. On Friday I saw a river of fresh water on the frozen surface of our river. there have been reports of flocks of Canada geese having been seen and someone saw a redwinged blackbird earlier this week. I am eagerly awaiting the sound of a squeaky gate squawk of a grackle outside my window soon???? I hope so. Can any anticipation be sweeter than that of the delight of approaching spring..
One of my early spring rituals is checking out this body of water shown above. It is open water now!!! this is where I often have my first sighting of Common Goldeneyes each spring. I shall check here each day for the next while. I mean spring means ducks doesn't it?

Scenic Sunday:a meme of beautiful scenery. To learn more about scenic Sunday please go to: or to post your own contribution, please click on the link within this post.


  1. Pretty scenery and shots of the icy water. Happy Scenic Sunday!

  2. As much as i enjoy snow,I am also waiting for spring to arrive. I like that zig zag river,very pretty.

  3. Lucky me...I live in FL now and can truly enjoy the beauty of winter on blogs..while sitting in front of my woodstove. Yes..even in FL we get nights cool enough for a woodstove. I Love it!!!

    That river is beautiful.

  4. Glad that spring is headed your way. We haven't had any snow here so far. I hope we don't. Helen

  5. I get to this time of year and start looking for signs of spring too. Yesterday I spotted a robin, so it's on the way--But I still want at least one snowfall this year...Okay, maybe I don't! :-)

  6. Beautiful photos. It does look like Spring is on the way!

  7. Lovely post and super photos Ann, looking forward to spring myself :)

  8. Scenic shots indeed :) Thanks for sharing. Dropping by from Scenic Sunday.
