Saturday, March 03, 2012

Bird Alley Feathered Visitors for Camera Critters

Our bird feeding area, which we call Bird Alley hasn't been all that exciting this winter, but recently things have picked up somewhat! We seem to get a lot of Robin visitors lately and yesterday we had a handsome specimen visit. Perched near the top our our Cranberry tree it looked magnificent against the blue, blue sky.
the Robins do not eat the cranberries as they are too sour for them but nevertheless the bright red berries on the tree seem to be a draw for them. I keep hoping to see some waxwings which do eat the cranberries, but I am still hopeful though it has been a no show for waxwings so far this year.
I always love to see a little White-breasted nuthatch visiting and yesterday this little bird dropped by and it made my picture taking day complete.
It is such a perky busy bird and this one looked like it had wintered well. I wonder what will drop by today? I have recently purchased a Wingscape Bird cam and I am so eager for the spring returning birds to liven up my feeder area a bit so I can experiment and have fun using my birdcam. As it is now our daily fare pretty well consists of Goldfinch and Blue Jays and Mourning doves and Tree Sparrows. Its not that I needed another camera but I had seen some great birdcam pictures on Eileen in Maryland's blog and I was influenced and enticed with her success.
Have a great day everyone!
Camera Critters is a meme that features critters, any kind, any size. To see more of this meme please click on the CC logo which can be found on the right sidebar on this page or please click here.


  1. I like the idea of a birdcam. What fun visuals you will have to enjoy.

  2. These shots are lovely!

  3. I miss them as they no longer come here Sadly Sandy

  4. WOW! Those Robin pictures ar perfect. I can't wait to see the pictures from your bird cam.

  5. Beautiful shots.

    Regards and best wishes

  6. Love to see those robins!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  7. Lovely shots! The Robins were singing like crazy in our backyard yesterday.

  8. I love the idea of a bird cam, and will look forward to reading about how it goes!

    We're seeing more and more Robins here, but today I tried to capture a picture of our elusive Pileated woodpecker that did not want his picture taken.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  9. Isn't it lovely to see the robins return? great series of photos for today

  10. Love your birds. The nuthatch is one of my favorite birds. Congrats on your new birdcam. I really love mine and really enjoy seeing the photos. It is neat because you never know what the camera is going to catch. I can not wait to see some of your cam photos. Happy Sunday!
