Sunday, March 18, 2012

Red Squirrel in Bird Alley

This little red Squirrel has found a treasure of food. i had added cut pieces of a red apple but it doesn't seem to very interested in that. I made what I thought might be an appetizing pile of birdfood in case a Grackle or Red-winged blackbird bird passing by might be enticed into dropping by. However,despite many reports of these two birds having been seen in the province I have had not luck at seeing them yet,, my turn must be soon . Maybe today? I'm sure this little squirrel will return,
a great day is wished everyone today!


  1. You all sure sure have a big pile of snow left yet. We didn't even get any down this way this year. Seems as if the squirrels rather have corn or sunflower seed not counting my peanut butter suet LOL.

  2. Looks like one very happy red squirrel
