Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A slate-coloured Junco for World Bird Wednesday

Juncos have been very scarce in Bird Alley this winter. I don't believe I have seen a one, until this morning that is. Welcome little bird! I do hope you enjoy your visit and find lots to eat This ;little species always looks so light and fluffy. I have always compared it in my mind to the lint that I remove from my clothes dryer., grayish in colour and very light and soft and fluffy to the touch. I call them dryer lint birds. |Please drop by again little bird!

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  1. Sweet little bird.

    Regards and bet wishes

  2. W.B.W. certainly opens our eyes with birds flying in from around the world right to our doorsteps. Your junco is beautiful, and your header image is so special; what a find!

  3. A wonderful little bird to see..

  4. Cute shot of the Junco, I assume they might be leaving soon. They are a winter bird for me and right now it feels like summer.

  5. Eileen, It sure isn't summer like here with freezing rain and snow yesterday closing many schools in the province with the storm!

  6. Nice capture! I love these little ones.
