Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Male Downy woodpecker for Ruby Tuesday 2

This handsome little downy with the red patch on the back of its head ,which signify s its maleness ,is always attracted to our peanut feeders in Bird Alley.  We have quite a time keeping a supply on hand as our peanut feeders are often found empty , lying on the ground, in the mornings, which is an indication to us of an overnight visit from a sneaky , unwelcome visit from s raccoon But I strive to keep a supply on hand for the woodpeckers..A quick turn of its head shows the full area of redness at the back of this Downy's head in the  picture to the lrft..  Isn't it a lovely red?

Ruby Tuesday 2 meme features photos with red of any subject. To contribute to this meme please go to;
or just click on the Ruby Tuesday 2 badge at the top of the column on the right hand side of this blog page. .


  1. Gorgeous bird! Happy RT2.

    Mine's here.

  2. Great capture of that red!

  3. HaPpY RuBy TuEsDaY! I love your picture, those little Downy's are my favorites!!
