Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Tint of Red, Pink Mayflowers for Ruby Tuesday 2

Spring seems to be bursting out all over. I found mayflower[a.k.a. Trailing Arbutus] blossoms yesterday afternoon and this seems early to me. Our Hostas are pushing up pout of the ground and our maple tree is full of red blossoms ( soon our driveway will be carpeted with these red blossoms.)and I have one daffodil almost in bloom[ maybe today?]
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  1. Everything in the garden does seem early this year. I was weeding yesterday and couldn't believe how tall the peonies are already!

  2. Those May flowers are beautiful! so are the maples! I think spring is earlier and quicker, too. I was noting that yesterday in my own blog while posting flowers that were much earlier than usual. I don't expect many May blooms with everything already done. My peonies are blooming and I usually associate them with around Memorial Day near the end of May!

  3. That second shot is winner for me

    My RUBY, would love it if you could drop by and leave me a comment or two. Thanks in advance!

  4. I love the Trailing arbutus. I love all blossoms on the trees too. I just noticed today that our apple blossoms are now ready to burst and we're in for a frost tonight. Sigh, they have been through so much this Spring.

  5. Beautiful and great shots!

    Visiting for RT2- hope you can stop by:)

