Monday, May 07, 2012

The Flower Moon for Mellow Yellow Monday

Seen today in the early morning sky, this beautiful full moon! The  name for this full moon is the flower moon and to me it seems to be an appropiate naming. the month usually begins with the finding of Mayflowers, [Trailing Arbrutus], followed by Purple violetd, Dog-toothed Violets and then Wild strawberry blosssoms.  At least that sequencing has been my experience.

Got photos with yellow? That's all you need to qualify for the mellow yellow Monday meme: http://mellowyellowmonday.blogspot.ca Just scroll down the right-hand side until you come to the mellow yellow Monday logo. Just click on the picture and you're there. Just continue on and enjoy!


  1. it's beautiful! the moon right now looks like this...huge and yellowish. too bad my camera can't do it justice.:(

  2. Great lunar shot with some super detail.

  3. Gorgeous capture of the moon! Have a wonderful day!
