Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Red stamens of a Dog toothed Violet for Ruby Tuesday 2

A beautiful wildflower today in bloom!  An Adder's Tongue or Trout Lily or as the name I knew it as a child, A Dog-toothed Violet.  Neither a lily nor a violet, this early woodland favourite delights me with its beauty of its lovely yellow petals and its striking red stamens! Oh, What a happy Day on this first of May Day it was finding this favourite beauty!

 Ruby Tuesday 2 meme features photos with red of any subject. To contribute to this meme please go to;http://rubytuesday2.blogspot.com/
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  1. What a striking flower, there's no missing those stamens.

  2. It really is lovely, I've never seen one before!

  3. A fascinating flower! Seems to have a touch of orchid! I have never seen one like this before!

  4. I love violets and this one is a beauty..
