Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Rosy Maple Moth for Ruby Tuesday Two

 Sometimes when you see something pretty and soft you just want to reach out and touch it. Like when I saw this rosy Maple Moth snuggled up againt the bannister railings of my doorstep yesterday morning. Yesterday morning I only saw one, but soon there will be many  around my steps in the mornings to come.  We have a few Silver Maples on our proprty here and apparently that maple species attracts these pretty moths.

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  1. It really is a pretty moth that has made for a pretty header photo too!

  2. They look so soft! I have a silver maple and will have to watch for these. I don't think I have ever seen one before here.

  3. First time I've seen a moth in these colors. Thanks for sharing. Happy RT2.

    Mine's here.

  4. Amazing colors, I've only seen them in grey here. Great picture.

  5. I don't think I have ever seen one of these beauties, but now I'll be looking. Have a great weekend Ann.
