Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Recent Frog Sightings

On Sunday my husband and I were out driving and stopped along an old woods road to look at some rocks along the side of the road.  It was a bit moist and wet there and my husband drew my attention to a small handsome creature there., because of its brown and, black colouing we at first thought it might be a toad, thinking, if it were a frog, it should be green, but no we were wrong.  this handsome looking little amphibian was a Pickerel Frog! The first of this species that I have ever seen.  A great find!  Thank you , David.

And a week or so ago I turned to drive into a favourite woods road but my way was impeded by a huge puddle.  I shifted into 4 wheel drive thinking I would drive through it , when I saw a frog in the middle of it. Its a good thing I saw you basking there, Mr. Green Frog because I took your picture rather than driving through your home.


  1. Cute frogs and photos. Looks like a nice walk and outing.

  2. Aside from the problem that Todd had with the toad (tried to eat it) I love seeing the frogs and toads and hearing them too!

  3. Love the header! Great shot! Also like your frogs and toads and the Pitcher plant. Neat!

  4. What a cool woodpecker that sapsucker is and I think very difficult to photograph. Excellant shots Ann.
