Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Roosters, Dragonfly and Waterlily for Ruby Tuesday 2

 i do not know the species name for these handsome black and white roosters wearing their beautiful red conbs.  I saw them on this weekend past at the Kings Landing Historical  here in New Brunswick
I have found many delightful creatures within my favourite milkweed patch and this red dragonfly shown here was found there on one day last week.
This beautiful waterlily was found last Friday  in a small pond at St. Andrews , NB

 Ruby Tuesday 2 meme features photos with red of any subject. To contribute to this meme please go to;
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  1. Calling by from Ruby Tuesday, what fun Ruby captures. Marans are our favourite hens, we used to keep them in the UK.

  2. Those roosters are handsome,indeed.

  3. The chickens are 'Barred Plymouth Rock chickens' and are one of my favorites--I've never owned a chicken and for soem reason, I think if I did, I'd have these! :-) Great pictures!!

  4. Your various reds are a treat for my eyes!

    Red House

  5. the roosters are very healthy!I grew up in a farm and I sure do miss the farm life and having the chickens as our alarm clock. The dragonfly capture is truly great!but, my fave is definitely the waterlily picture. :)

    dropping by from RT2. Hope you can visit my post as well :)
